Kindergarten Program

The kindergarten program at INschool ensures a wholesome and meaningful childhood for children. The Kindergarten comprises four levels:


 Children aged 18 – 36 months.


 Children aged 3 - 4 years.


 Children aged 4 - 5 years.


 Children aged 5 - 6 years.

# Study


Based on the five development areas in early childhood education, INschool has built a curriculum adhering to the 2C (Body Care, Mind Care) and 2D (Language Development, Skill Development) standards.
2C includes: Cognitive development and physical development.
2D includes: Encompasses skill development and language development.


Throughout the Kindergarten level, children will learn and develop in areas such as:

  • #Development

    Cognitive Development:

    • Recognizing shapes and patterns of objects around them.
      • Learning to read and write alphabets, and simple mathematics in English and Vietnamese.
      • Stimulating potential and passion for mathematics, developing quicker reflexes for practical application.
      • Being creative with toys or designing favorite shapes with available materials.
      • Exploring and expressing creativity in the arts, participating in painting activities to develop senses and aesthetics.
      • Understanding the production and operation of familiar products, thereby learning basic assembly and increasing creative thinking and problem-solving skills related to technology.
  • #Development

    Physical Development:

    • Running safely on both feet, climbing stairs independently, and learning to hold onto stair railings.
    • Becoming self-sufficient in daily activities (e.g., fetching water without spilling, brushing teeth, eating proficiently with a spoon) and self-care under adult supervision.
    • Enhancing fine and gross motor skills.
  • #Development

    Skill Development

    • Expressing emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, anxiety, seeking comfort and safety, wanting consolation when needed.
    • Accepting others’ requests, sharing, waiting for their turn to play, sometimes needing teacher assistance.
    • Recognizing dangers, reacting to situations, and seeking help from others.
    • Showing concern for classmates, participating in group activities, establishing relationships with others, and expressing affection for special people.
    • Accepting and recognizing the value of praise for achievements, showing responsibility in assigned tasks.
    • Cooperating according to classroom rules and self-restraining from inappropriate actions, discerning right from wrong through teacher explanations.
  • #Development

    Language Development

    • Attentively listening to stories, remembering them, and recalling main ideas or repetitive phrases and rhymes.
    • Memorizing favorite songs or narrating short stories.
    • Quickly learning new words and forming longer sentences into paragraphs, switching conversational topics in Vietnamese, English, and Chinese.
    • Practicing final sounds in English words (e.g., “ing” in going, “s” in cats).
# Học Tập


With foundational, bilingual, and international programs differing in the following aspects:
• Foundation system: Children spend about 10% of their time learning and engaging in activities in a foreign language. The remaining 90% is in Vietnamese.
• Bilingual system: Equal split with 50% of the time in a foreign language and 50% in Vietnamese.
• International system: 80% of activities and learning are in a foreign language, with the remaining 20% in Vietnamese.



Particularly at INschool, students are equipped with essential life skills from an early age to aid in their self-development and personal growth.